ok, i admit, i've been seriously slack with the whole updating the site thing, but it's not entirely my fault, i've tried dozens of times and been thwarted on every effort... houses with no phone lines, towns with no internet cafes, laptop running out of batteries, when i got access to a phone line it cut out every 10 seconds, sometimes before i'd even been able to open a page... the universe has been conspiring against the site for a few weeks. but we're back! hurrah!Having major problems trying to upload photos - can't guarantee any of them will come through today - not my fault!
25 January 2006 10:47pmLiz and i have found a new friend to keep us company on the long, lonely nights - time delay photography! A game for all the family. i think we're both a bit inspired by the fact that, in our first evening, we got some truly awesome shots. well, for first-timers they are, i reckon. it took ages to get these shots - i kept writing things backwards, and we had to check our spelling once, but wow. it's funny how much a new game can inspire you. i'd say there might be a huge number of funky time delay shots in our portfolio by the end of the trip.
unfortunately we got so excited we woke the people in the next cabin - my parents!
27 January 2006 11:30am-ishRight. It is my determined, educated (and totally arrogant) opinion that the people of Australia are stupid.
how on earth can you justify the inclusion of Ben Lee, the Gorillaz, and (in Liz's opinion) Bernard Fannin in the top 10 of the hottest 100, to the exclusion of people with actual talent, like transport, kate miller-heidke and the boat people.
people are stupid
* Please note: I quite like Bernard Fanning in general, but agree the song did not deserve to be number one.
7pm-ishso tired i feel like vomiting. think there may be something medically wrong. having dinner then going to sleep. liz just told me i look terrible. yup - that made me feel sooooo much better. writing to keep myself awake while liz has a ciggie and we wait for dinner. we're staying in a pub in singleton - we were both way too tired to make it to katoomba - it's another 3 hours or so from here. we ended up getting advice from some groovy hairdressers about this hotel, and they said the food was fantastic, so we're trying it out. they had 3 vegetarian opitions. i was so overwhelmed with choices i had to have a little sit down. liz started fanning me with a menu, but that madi it worse, because all the options smudged together and it looked like there were hundreds of vegetarian things, and i nearly had a little panic attack, so she switched to fanning me with a napkin and handed me a glass of wine and i recovered.
ok, that last bit was a lie.
Am drinking a "full bodies and tangy verdelho that shows intense aromas and flavours of passionfruit, guava and pear drop".
what the hell is a pear drop? amongst all the other things that shit me, wine wankers are right up there.
maybe that's something that i should put on the website - a list of things that shit me.
wine wankers and stupid people who vote for ben lee over transport will be engraved in stone on the list.
7:38pmRight. Something else that shits me... having a really beautiful meal, and getting half way through, and not being able to eat another mouthful. dammit. Liz seconds this. she's gone to get doggy bags. hoorah for doggy bags.
things that DON'T shit me include:
* doggy bags
* really nice wine for the same price i'd pay in brisbane for really crap wine
* having a real bed to sleep on. mmm.... real bed... heading that way now... piss off and stop disturbing me, all of you
28 January 2006 8am-ish? Sense of time has gone completely bananas - Day 20Nearly 3 weeks and we still haven't killed each other yet. must be some kind of freakish record. i think this may be related to the fact that we know most of each other's irritating habits, and have learned to live with them.
when liz gets tire, she drags the chain and takes at least 5 times as long as a normal person to do anything. when i get tired, i do the opposite - i get bossy. these are things we both admit to, and are working on. oh, and we both yell at stupid drivers.
i've seen more dickheads on the roads in the last 3 weeks than in my entire life - and i'm including all those years working in ipswich and woodridge! we've nearly been hit a few times. at the moment we seem to be planning our journey around what seem to be the best roads. primarily this means avoiding the pacific highway so we're seeing a lot of bushland.
oh, i forgot to mention, yesterday we found an alien landing station in muswellbrook NSW. we watched it for a while, hoping to catch a glimpse of their new BMW light force star cruisers. Liz and i are starting a "buy earth made" campaign to help protect our jobs ("they're taking our jobs!") Unfortunately for us, it appeared that the zirtronians were using their invisibility shields, but we did manage to catch a glimpse of 3 interdimensional pod servers.
yep, it's a really good thing we didn't drive the extra 3 hours to katoomba yesterday...