Monday, February 20, 2006

happy birthday tim!

4 January 2006 7:27pm

In the brass monkey with kate's crew and her manager leanne.

am about to put on my first ever pair of stilettos and see if i can walk in them. they are so completely out of character for me (pale pink and bronze) that i adore them.

i have had so much fun today. liz, em, scotty and i spent time (and money) at the glebe markets, and it felt so good just to hang with people from home again. i haven't really been missing home yet - i think the novelty value of travelling is still keeping me amused, and we've set ourselves to many missions (DODs) that we have no time at all to be bored or homesick.

however, seeing people i love has made me realise i do miss hanging out with friends - other than liz of course. really, these guys are relatively new friends, but they're still people from home and people i love.


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