Friday, March 16, 2007

January 2007

8 January 2007 - 3:04pm

A new beginning.

The first page of a new journal. This is the end of a chapter and it brings on an unfamiliar experience.

i'm so used to having a path, and knowing where i'm going - things have been so clear to me for a long time.

right now, absolutely nothing is settled and certain. i'm saying goodbye to a large part of my life, and trying to work out what's next.

i guess most travellers experience this sense of displacement at some point - the feeling that you've changes so much that your old life just doesn't fit anymore - like a pair of pants you used to wear in school, but now the cuffs don't reach your ankles, and the zipper won't do up, and you suddenly realise they're fluro orange and covered in daisies, and they're made of parachute material - and for the life of you, you just can't work out what on earth you saw in them in the first place.

i know this sense of dissatisfaction is a good thing, because it will prevent me from becoming stagnant.

i don't know where to begin to start summarising this past year, so instead, for now, i'm looking to the future - preparing the for the adventures to come.


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