Monday, April 02, 2007

Paddys Day 2007

soooo many green people in one place!

what a fun night. liv finally made it to the sunnie coast to see the barleyshakes play for St Patrick's day - and luckily a great big crew of people just happened to be there with us - particularly special was seeing evi, and meeting simon and felicia.

there are a great many stories from this night that won't be going on here at this point, but it was a night of fun, laughs, shooting stars, and emotional development for many of us.

what a strange crowd though! the gig was at the Sol Bar in Coolum, and the crowd were an interesting mix of people who'd come out to celebrate paddys in green style, and teenyboppers in stilettos they didn't know how to walk in, sexy dancing and trying to pick up.

at one point, i was dancing away, as i do, with my eyes closed, and evi told me some bloke was trying to sexy dance with me, and i didn't even know he was there, so he gave up. i was just enjoying myself! yuk. not into the whole picking up randoms in pubs thing. ew.

anyway, one night stretched to a whole weekend - went to peregian originals (dad was very impressed when i called to tell him there was a band there called veteran rex, and made me take photos, which were pretty unexciting) and we all went for dinner and listened to ben play covers in a cafe thing in noosa - which he was pretty unimpressed about i think. i've never seen a performer look so bored! he was even rolling his eyes at me at one point - you could at least pretend to be enthusiastic ben! really.

anyway, the whole thing was heaps of fun. note evi's fantastic artwork - she created amazing designs on us all in body paint.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so pretty! at least i can get onto the blog. i can see my comments on myspace but cant log in to replyyyyyyy. sillly uni, sif block myspace. its totally educational.
enjoy your walk! sitting here, is suprisingly REALLY god damn draining. i think when this is over i'm going to go get myself a coffee and something sweet. a reward for suriving/GOING THROUGH TWO SETS OF LECTURE NOTES during my break. it was amazing. never been donen before. in other news, i only got a c (3-3.7 out of 5) for that essay :(


so much info to process.
i hate technology.
instead of DOING the prac,we're juxt going through a computer simulation of the prac. its shit. BIG LOVE.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Liv Fisher said...

that sucks. you were ripped off.

i'm still waiting for work to block myspace - then i'll have to quit.

right. walking the dog. getting some air. stepping away from the applications...

4:01 PM  
Blogger marlene. said...

haha. well you're leaving soon anyway. haha. there's this ONE computer i've discovered that i can use myspace on. but its in the other computer room. otherwise it works on the library comptuers. but the library is being renovated and the temp one is far away. INVOLVES WALKING. effort like whoa. anyway. prac prac prac. crapppppp. i want to go to the beach. the weather is nice(ish) at times today. 24ish? LIBRARY was cold. i think ima go photocopy stufff. escapeeee. x

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liv!
Got your message about being on the coast this weekend, will definitely have to catch up. I still have some of your stuff here that I need to give to you (Cds, mugs etc). Glad that you checked out my blog. Was a bit of a mission to update it all but really nice to stop and look back at all the things I have done over the past six months. Am still not working... am trying to work my way up to it but hate the whole job search thing. Am waiting to hear back on a really cool job though so fingers crossed I will get it. Hope all is well. Sar x

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought i found a loophole to get onto myspace but NO! i dislike this computer room. not only can i not get onto myspace, there are STAIRS involved in getting here. and it is LIKE A VACCUM. i swear to god. close the door and you get a delightful SUCKING SOUND. and things start whirring its rather scary.

8:31 AM  

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