Thursday, July 06, 2006

glam prep

5 July 2006 10:45am

Mel K and I spent most of the day yesterday shopping for corsets, tiaras, and other assorted bling in preparation for our glam going-away/ welcome night on Sunday.

This morning I'm finally getting around to doing something resembling preparing to leave again - doing some of my mountain of laundry. Once that's done, i can start separating charity clothes out and packing things away.

there's so much to organise again and unfortunately we made the decision to leave just after June 30, which means I've just been whacked with a pile of end of financial year bills.


Anyway, i'm consoling myself with the drinking of coffee (yes, again) made by the gorgeous Paul, who, in a disappointing turn of events, has elected not to attend our glam party dressed as Barbie. Ah well, there will always be another occasion for that.

The last few days have been weird. I feel like I've been drifting along in a cloud, and not quite living in the real world. I think i've spent a little to much time in the cyber world, updating both the blogs, and harassing all my friends. i've also had my first cyber marriage proposal (this makes 6 proposals in total now) but i said "no," because he spelt "marry" wrongly, and his picture was a car.

Why do people seem to think it's a good idea to pick up someone in cyberspace? i mean, admittedly my photo's hot, so i can understand them trying, but really. no. i mean seriously, no.




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