"between jobs"
well, i'm almost up to date again.
i've really gone into holiday mode a little too easily - i've spent the last 2 days doing practically nothing but sleep. probably a good thing, given how sooky i've been the last few days.
for those who don't know, liz and i leave melbourne on about the 12th, and head in the direction of south australia - port pirie, to be exact. liz was initially planning to stay here in melbourne, but she's changed her mind, and is now coming with me, which is great. it means at least we'll get to travel a little bit again. we've been in melbourne too long i think, we've become too settled, which is why i think i've gone so sooky about saying goodbyes. i'm really glad we're leaving, but there were lots of cool things about melbourne too.
thanks and apologies to the two people whose shoulders i cried on so far in the last few days. it's very rare for me to do that - just a few too many goodbyes, and too many highs and lows the last few days i think. i felt like such a girly girl sobbing on a boy's shoulder - i'm a little pathetic, really. oh well, it's probably a compliment to those people that i feel comfortable enough to completely lose it with them. some people look really beautiful when they cry. i look like a sobbing child. my face goes red, and my nose runs like a tap, and i get all bleaugh.
anyway, i'm also blaming hormones and lack of sleep. apparently women can blame almost anything on hormones and get away with it, right?
anyway, i'm sure liz is going to be just as bad. we're having a going-away party next sunday - for all those melbournites who's phone numbers we don't have, send us an email and we'll give you the details - but be warned, you will be expected to wear a tiara or corsage.
anyway, i've been on the computer for hours now, so it's probably time for me to go and do something else, so enjoy the stories, and i'll go and sook somewhere else for a while.
love to all
p.s. i'm still trying to harass liz into writing, but it's a bit hard, what with her being completely slack and all.
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