Monday, July 03, 2006

Last day at CRS Australia Glenroy

30 June 2006 3:09pm

My last day at CRS Australia Glenroy. Always a tough day when you have to say goodbyes - it's been a week of goodbyes really.

i feel a bit thrown - i thought i'd be on my way to torquay now with kate etc. but got a message at 2:20am - kate going "Shit! Shit! Shit! We can't fit you - there's too many people in the car!"

Am starting anti-discrimination claim against kate. Feel discriminated against on the basis of being a merch-bitch, and non sound-tech. as if a sound tech is more important than me.

Anyway, i got everyone at work their own tiara, and we all wore them at lunch today, and we got photos on the work camera, so as soon as they email them to me, i'll put them on the blog.

I'll definitely miss the people at Glenroy, but i'm glad to be escaping the work and all the politics for a while. we've all had to do so much to deal with all the welfare to work changes (thanks, mr howard - great idea) and the whole employment network is in absolute chaos. i'm sure in somebody's mind there's a good reason for all this but i haven't worked out what it is yet. well, ok, as far as Mr Howard is concerned it will get more people with disabilities off the dole, but there are a lot of negatives to the whole thing- not the least of which being the fact that it's so bloody disorganised. we ask questions and DEWR (the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations - the people who instigated the changes) say "we don't know yet". Or give us an answer, then change their minds the next day. And the things they tell us we absolutely have to do are ridiculous - impossible or at least impractical, and usually totally counter-productive.

Ah, the joys of working for a government agency. Well, any big company in general really.

on a more amusing side of things, there aren't that many places where your male boss demands that he gets the only fluffy pink tiara in the bag. or where the employment consultant grabs his wand (he supplied his own) and went around the office posing and calling himself "captain tiara".

i must admit, i found the work inspiring in a lot of ways. i was handed a lot of "challenges" (it's a nice term for the too-hard basket) and just told "you know your job, just do it". i had full autonomy, and it was great to work in a truly high-performing office (way over targets, yay guys, you rock). It felt great to be very successful, personally and as a team, and have that recognised.

I'm feeling a bit flat now though. no doubt i'll pick up again soon enough - i'll be hanging out with mel A and ange and maybe luke and liz tonight, maybe scotty tomorow, then going to kate's gig tomorrow night. lots to look forward to.

well, there always is, isn't there?


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