Thursday, November 09, 2006

Liv and Kel, one of our wonderful, fantastic Melbourne friends, we love you Kel! Get your butt to Woodford girlfriend! We miss you already..
This is Marley, one of the many random dogs I made friends with in the Melbs, we found him on a street in South Melbourne.
Us and Mel, one of our all time favourite people in zee ole wide world. If you are wondering why we look so fabulous it's cos we were on our way to the opera darling! Posted by Picasa

The same sunset five minutes later....such pretty colours... Posted by Picasa

Gorgeous sunset over Mt Coonowrin from the front door!
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Lining up to get tix, Corbould Park, Caloundra, QLD

My friend Sammy from Australia Zoo....awwww isn't that cute!
Sally and Dan but I forgot to rotate it! Sorry guys!
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Am finally back in Queensland, to be honest it feels strange......things have changed but they're still the same but different somehow. I think the proper term for this sort of thing is dislocation....anyway it's weird. It is nice seeing mum, dad and ollie and my puppies, everyone is still the same, I think that's why it's weird cos I feel like I have been an this amazing emotional and spiritual journey and I'm not the same person as I was when I left. I definately feel more independant, my tolerence threshold for putting up with other people's crap has changed! Enough about that, am looking forward to two weeks of pretending to have green thumbs, have apologised to dad in advance in case I kill anything while he away!! For those not in the know my dad is going away so I am in charge of looking after his collection of carnivorous plants (of which there are around 15-20 000), as well as his birds, his new freshwater tropical fishtank, his vege patch and the dogs! I'm not gonna have time even to scratch my butt for the next two's good tho cos the funds are getting low so I don't think there will be much socialising anyway....Went to Melbourne Cup celebrations at Corbould Park yesterday, had a blast, drank way too much beer, didn't come out on top in the betting stakes but a great day was had by all! Am off to bed, getting up at six to complete all tommorrow's set tasks! LIz