Wednesday, March 22, 2006

needing advice

22 March 2006 8:03am

On the train, heading to work yet again. day 3 of full-time work. i've only had one coffee so far this morning, and it wasn't even at a cafe. this is a situation that will need to be rectified as soon as possible.

people at work have insisted i bring one of my magic tiaras to work. one of the others has a magic wand, but i gave my wand to charity before i left. am starting to think i may need to invest in another as soon as possible. that can be a weekend mission.

does anyone out there in computer land know anything about feng shui? All 5 of us in the house have had money problems in the last few weeks, and we're determined to change this. send us your ideas.

oh, and if all those who keep complaining because i do all the writing on the site, and liz the slack arse poo does none, harass her about it. she has the password (the power) so make her sit here and write, dammit.

ok, i'm finally up to date with my part again, i'll try to post the photos as soon as i can.

much love and good luck in employment to all

tiara princess extraordinaire


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi girls,
this comment only to prove to Liz that you don't need a password to do it (but I still Love you Liz :P)
Love to live with you girls, and -merdeee - i'm gonna miss you so much when i'll be in Tassie (I think you are the only 'thing' I'm gonna miss about Melbourne :) )
Thanks for try teaching me how to cook (task that most of my friends consider as hopeless)
One kiss one hug... et un gros bisous :)

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello lovely ladies,

Kitty here with Feng Shui tip one-o-one!
MAke sure the tiolet seat goes down! and also plug any drains in sinks as this causes money to be "flushed down the drain/toilet" so to speak. Also try having a red purse or somethnig red in you coin bit of the purse (or dried basil works too! don't ask it just does!)Apart from that with out seeing house and where doors are situated (if the front door and back door are situated so you can see one from the other that could be a problem too if they are use a mirror or something big or dividing to stop the qi blowing straight thru the house.(does that make sense?) anyways thats it.
Hope ur having fun and will endevour to see you soon


9:00 PM  
Blogger Liv Fisher said...

yeah, all the doors are in a row, but we put plants in the hallway to try to stop anything heading out the back door. we've also bought wind chimes and prayer flags and hanging mirrors, and the house is starting to look like a commune. toilet seat always down, done, i'll remember that. i do like the red purse thing though, it's a good excuse for more shopping! hurrah! thanks for the tips babe.


8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys!! tis evi, I finally got around to saying hi on this thing....hope your head is better Liv! I'm heading in the Melbourne direction in the next week or so, so if you guys would like to hook up I'll get your no's from B and send you a text. Have a hoot honeys xox

10:01 PM  
Blogger Liv Fisher said...

yay evi! of course we want to catch up - definitely hunt down b for our numbers. see you soon!


8:35 AM  

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