Wednesday, March 22, 2006

back at work, dammit

20 March 2006 7:30am

My first day back at full-time work so i'm up early celebrating (drowning my sorrows?) with the drinking of coffee at my new favourite cafe in Errol St, Nth Melbourne (it's called Errol's, which i thought was impressively creative).

anyway, i've had coffee from here most days since we arrived in melbourne, and they've always been excellent.

i find myself getting really excited about getting up in the mornings, because a new day means a new coffee. well, that was until i started working again. now a new day means a rushed takeaway on the train if i'm lucky, a takeaway at my desk at work if i'm running late.

this morning when i got up it was pitch black and icy cold. is it weird to be scared of the cold? our bathroom is in a little out house thing - i'm intending to get a heater for it. people here complain of the heat and i put more jumpers on.

22 minutes till i have to leave to walk to the train station. that's another weird thing, i'm catching public transport to work again. SEE WHAT THIS PLACE HAS REDUCED ME TO?! I'm quite disgusted.

actually the truth is i'm looking forward to going to this new job - the people sound realy cool (lots of festival goers, hurrah!) and they seem really excited about having me there. it's nice to know that everything i do will be appreciated, but also that it's only short-term. i need to keep moving. melbourne's cool, but i don't want to stay here.

i don't think i've actually said what i'm going to be doing, have i? i'll be working for CRS Australia, a government agency who find employment for people with disabilities. i've worked for them before in brisbane, so know what i'm getting myself into (an open-plan office, unfortunately, amongst other things).

oh, almost forgot to write about our other adventure - we helped make a film for the 15/15 festival thing. you had to make a film up to 15 minutes long in 15 hours. liz acted and did some of the filming, while i played the soundtrack (with liz's help). the soundtrack was recorded by having me sit next to the camera while the action was being filmed. real hi-tech stuff. we lugged instruments all over melbourne half the day, then the boys went to edit it and hand it in before 11pm. it will be screened in may - liz and i haven't seen it yet.

i also made a cameo - sitting in the background of a fight scine in an alley playing djembe for no apparent reason.

the plot involves a cursed peg, a car chase, and an entirely improvised soundtrack.

well, the guys who made it (Martin and Greg) were french, so that probably explains a few things...


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