Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tamworth Country Music Festival

19 January 2006 8am-ish

Our last morning at Jerb and Simone's. By last night, liz and i really were taking over everything and making it our own. we both have a real tendency to do that, no matter where we go. we've been madly trying to finish the nanna rug we're making for Jerb and Simone - all the squares are done, and most of the sewing, but it's still in a few pieces. it will be interesting to see whether we can discipline ourselves to actually do it. if so, we'll need to start soon, and i'll have to stop procrastinating, wake liz, make her tea, listen to her moan, wait for her to have at least 9 ciggie breaks, and get started.

Whew! a full day's work before 9am.

9pm-ish (we did finish the rug - photos to come when i can use my own computer to access the internet)

In a pub. In Tamworth. During the country music festival. interesting. a lot of cowboys. few women so far. managed to tip over both liz and my drinks (i'd had 2 sips). consoled myself by gazing at the guy who came to clean it up. mmmm... worth having to buy another beer.


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