18 October 2006 around 7pm
yet again, i'm attempting to put mini video on the computer. yes, i know, i really should have learnt by now not to take so many videos, but it's just so damn tempting! it shows so much more accurately what life is really like than just flat static photos.
actually, this time, it was liz's video of Wala.
OOOh! it worked!
just because i'm a glutton for punishment, i've started another memory card, with more videos.
well, this trip to Adelaide has certainly been eventful. working out what and how much to write is not going to be easy, so i'll start with the superficial while we're waiting for our friends to arrive.
we went a couple of days ago to see the vietnam war memorial in Adelaide at the big parade ground in the city. Grandpa sponsored a plaque in Dad's name, so there's a plaque (well, a brick) there with his name on it, so we took pics to send to dad and grandpa. it's actually quite a beautiful memorial - much more modern than the others in the same ground, but the statues on top are beautiful.
then we bought bath bombs, and went back to the holiday house and had baths with candles and wine.
just for the record, holiday houses rock@ full kitchen, washing machine, bath, fireplaces in the bedrooms (they can't be used, but they look awesome.
hmmn.. i just spelt look with 3 o's (in my journal i mean, not here on the blog, silly, don't bother to look). i'm not really paying attention to what i'm writing - my mind is on other things.
right. i shall either write mindfully or not at all.
liz and i have written about so many things - people comment that it must be weird having so many people know so much about us - for the record it's not really - live in a small town for a while and you'll get used to having everyone know everything about you. that and we have nothing to hide.
anyway, one of the things we never really write about is the men in our lives. the astute readers will have noticed the appearance of a number of males in these posts, but we've never really written much about them.
so, yeah, anyway, that's where my head is. i'm thinking about a man. actually, if i'm honest, i've been thinking about a few of them recently, but today it's all about one. it's the old it never rains but it pours thing. a comfortable steady stream would be nice, but no - apparently the universe doesn't seem to want to work like that. oh well, at least they're all seriously hot!
i'll be less cryptic when we leave Adelaide, and i know where my head is. right now my head has floated off on a cloud, which is probably a good sign i should stop writing.
Around 10pm-ish
One of the things you can most bank on in life is the predictable unreliability of musicians. before we came to adelaide i knew this was going to be a time of blowing in the wind. no pressure, no commitments, just go where the universe takes you.
some days the wind blows from the ocean, and caresses your cheek.
some days it sings as it dances through the trees
it tosses the jacarandah in a cascade of blooms
creates fleetimg moments of beauty as it carries a cobweb through a series of pirhouettes. (i think that's incorrect spelling, but don't really care - how unlike me!)
then other days it cuts like a knife through the thickest skins.
drives stinging hot dust in your face.
picks up a farmhouse and tosses it wildly, with no reference whatsoever to either property aesthetics, or appropriate access to plumbing.
sometimes it just drifts unnoticed over a wasteland.
tonight i'm not sure which way the wind is blowing - i've got a feeling it may be going around in circles.
i'm waiting (eagerly) to be proven wrong.
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