Monday, September 18, 2006

feeling hazy

17 September 2006 7:15pm - ish

Sometimes you wake up in the morning with a smirk on your face, and as the memories slowly sift their way up through the various levels of subconsciousness in which they buried themselves at some point during the alcohol induced haze, and you think "How the hell did i get away with all that?"

Give Liz and I a couple of beers and we lose all fear (and any pretence of social norms) and start doing the most random things.

now, that's not to say we turn nasty, or anything horrid like that, we ust start doing stuff and saying stuff that seems like a good idea at the time. often stuff like telling everyone "aaah loves you guuuuuuyyyysssss", but last night involved me harassing random members of the crowd with my best "Tim Shaw from Demtell" smile and saying "have you thought about buying a Transport cd?" and continuing to harass them until they paid me to go away.

We were, of course, at a Transport gig in Adelaide. We actually put in some serious effort for this one - we had to drive 2.5 hours each way, stay in a hotel, and liz had to get the weekend off work (not as easy as it sounds) - and the most difficult of all, we had to decide which of our fabulous vintage dresses to wear. Pirie op-shopping rocks, but that's another story altogether (another long and involved one, i fear).

Liz was on fine form as well - demanding beers and wedding invitations and that the band walk us home to the hotel (the promoter wouldn't let them).

I was exchanging pimping percentages for kisses (i'd love to be able to say that wasn't as bad as it sounds, but it probably was) and I got invited to go on tour with the boys from now on, and Scotty vetoed Liz going becauase she didn't do any work, and just sat on her arse like a primadonna, but Steve and Keir were on her side, which i still don't understand - she clearly bribed them copiously.

can one bribe copiously?

one can now.

that's only the beginning, but the moral is, a fun weekend was had by all. photos coming soon!


Blogger jeisea said...

Sounds like a pretty wild child night!!!

9:56 PM  

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