Wednesday, August 30, 2006


13 August 2006 I think it's still morning.

Liz and I seem to keep finding our way back to this pub in melrose where they have comfy couches and great coffee and music and friendly people. it seems amazing that we're willing to drive 45 min for a good coffee in a groocy atmosphere, but it appears that we're willing to do whatever it takes.

Actually, right now I'm just enjoying this incredible sensation of calm. Oooh! that's FANTASTIC COFFEE!!

well, apparently other than being excited about good coffee.... i'm calm.

i can see now that patience has paid off - well, not about living in an industrial town (we're still counting down the days, but it's getting easier - we've both found more things to keep us amused, and we're even doing yoga now) but it seems my long wait may be nearing the end - or at least a brief hiatus before another long wait.

Yup, that's all very cryptic, but that's all anyone's getting right now.

contentment feels REALLY good.


Blogger jeisea said...

Sometimes it's good to get off the hectic whirlwind scene and smell the roses. (and orchids)

7:58 PM  

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