The apocalypse
6/6/6 7:50pm Armagedon day apparently. How does one spell armageddon? armaggedon? armhagedhiounnh? The end of the world. you know, the biblical thing. armagedon.
Difficult to know where to start this entry.
I've already started mentally removing myself from Melbourne and the attachments I have here, so this entry will probably come with an oddly detached tone, because that's how I'm feeling.
Yesterday our house went into a bizarre sort of emotional overload. It was discovered that one of the members of the house had been lying about a whole range on things that were upsetting to all, but particularly hurtful to one of the members of the house. That person was immediately thrown out which started a chain reaction of other fairly destructive events.
I think Liz immediately took sides, but more because of her own (unrelated) biases than anything else, but I and one of the others are trying to stay neutral and uninvolved as much as possible. difficult when both sides try to involve one, but we're trying. unfortunately both people involved are in a total mess at the moment.
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