Unconditional Love
18 May 2006 9:45pm
I believe in unconditional love
A very special friend and I were recently arguing about the meaning of the term unconditional love, and it has made me think a lot about what I mean when I use the term.
Up until a few years ago, I don't think I was capable of love of any sort really. I certainly was not able to love unconditionally - my heart was chained, locked, welded, hidden and drowned like a kitten, and for a long time I believed there was no key (bolt cutters/ resus kit/ crowbar) but finally I allowed myself to feel, and for some time after that was overwhelmed with love for my fellow human beings.
Then my love was tested, and I had to decide whether to love completely and without condition, or to shut off again.
I believe unconditional love means to love someone no matter what. It doesn't mean you don't want them to change. It doesn't mean the things they do don't hurt. It doesn't even mean you have to trust them. You just love them. That is all.
You love them no matter what they do or say.
Whether you're together or apart.
When you love them so much you think your heart will burst.
When you're so hurt you think your heart will burst.
When you're so bored you think your head will implode (and your heart will burst).
When you still love them, that's unconditional love. You don't have to be in a relationship of any sort, you just love them.
Loving someone doesn't mean you have to like what they do.
Hey Liv,
Ooh I'm so excited to see you are updating the blog! I always scroll down so I can read it in chronological order (yeah I'm a dag I know) so watch out, I could be responding to every new post! Hee hee.
Sigh... I'm watching Gone With the Wind. Vivien Leigh is so amazing. But holy moley you should see the outfit she's put on to impress Clark Gable in his first scene, it looks like she's ripped the upholstery off some antique couch and lay it rest on her head! Some full on green velvet happening and oh! She's even used a curtain rope thing as a belt, how resourceful!
Yes but what I meant to say here is that I agree with you 100 per cent on your description of unconditional love, which is also known as True Love!!! Unconditional love is not as easy as it sounds tho, methinks! It requires complete selflessness...
just to be EVEN daggier, there is actually a little bit in the BIBLE which describes unconditional love beautifully. I can't remember which bit exactly, it's probably in psalms or something. Oh alright, I'll go look it up...
...here it is, I found it (ahem I did this girl guide type thing in primary school called Calvinettes which means I actually own a copy of The Bible AND it has a study guide at the front. I merely had to look up "love" as a theme).
I Corinthians 13, 4-8 (the lead up is even more beautiful, more poetic, about the importance of love):
"Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail. Love is eternal."
Of course, your words are far lovelier to read and now you are stuck with a bible quotation on your blog (unless you choose to delete it!) But you would never guess where I first discovered that little pearl of wisdom: on the wall of a police station in Acacia Ridge. What was I doing there? Definitely another story!
luv mia xxx
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