Sunday, October 08, 2006

this is della, our little cutie, who we've been educating in non-crappy-manufactured-top-40-shit-pop music - so basically, stuff you can't get in port pirie. she works with liz, and we've both adopted her. this was at the smelter's picnic - port pirie's version of the ekka Posted by Picasa


Blogger jeisea said...

Actually the smelter's picnic is put on , all expenses pain by the Port Pirie Smelters for the workers, their family and the whole town. Liv, when you were little you ran in the egg and spoon and sack races with you brother. So you see it's not jut and ekka but a lmost a heritage picnic. Kids get free lollies, icecreams and drinks and have heaps of fun with their extended family and friends. Julie was with you at the picnic when you were little.

12:28 PM  

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